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IPA Payments Pod

Jan 29, 2020

Our wallets have become more than our billfolds and pocketbooks, but unless we stop to think about it, it is easy to ignore how all the little changes add up.

If you are a card manufacturer, though, you need to think about what the how tools like tap and go cards, mobile payments, and wearables are reshaping business...

Jan 22, 2020

ATMs have been an important tool for debit card holds to get cash and make deposits, but mobile technology makes it possible for anyone to use an ATM if they can receive text messages. In this episode, we talk with PIN4 and its subsidiary, HalCash International, about how cardless transactions can help...

Jan 15, 2020

Recent dustups between data aggregator Plaid and large banks such as PNC and Chase show the importance and challenges of data sharing between banks and Fintechs. In this episode, the IPA talks with Don Cardinal, the managing director of the Financial Data Exchange, a nonprofit dedicated to managing data sharing through...

Jan 7, 2020

In this episode, the IPA’s CEO, Brian Tate, discusses the issues shaping the future of payments in 2020 and beyond. We talk about the future of the CFPB, including the PayPal lawsuit, which could deregulate much of the industry. In addition, we talk about brokered deposits and the FDIC’s proposed regulations....